Happy new year.
I will be 32 tomorrow, according to the Korean age system, which I really hate. It makes me one or two years older than American people. If you live in Korea, you are one year old when you are born and get one year older every January 1st. As long as I stay here, I decided to follow the American age. Okay, then my age will freeze as 30 until my birthday. Haha.
When I was in 20s, I thought that there will be nothing to be happy in 30s. Hmm, I don' know what is special in this age compared to 20s yet. I guess I will figure out my 30s was special and unforgettable when I become 40s...
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
2007년 운세
* 운세총론
연소한 청춘이 붉은 티끌을 밟으니 보기에 좋고 아름다움이 큰 시기입니다가운이 대길하여 자손이 영귀하고 명성이 높아지는 년도입니다괘를 얻기는 맹호가 수풀 밖으로 나오는 길운을 얻었습니다상대할 자가 없으니 도처에서 권리를 얻고 의인이 되면 주변에서 칭찬이 끊이지 않습니다사람이 나를 찾으니 지위와 능력이 크게 됩니다때에 맞추어 단비가 내릴 것이니 곡식들이 또한 풍성해져 부를 크게 키울 수 있군요관록을 얻거나 횡재의 기운이 있으니 신수가 좋고 복록이 쌓여 인기가 많아집니다조상의 덕이 큰 시기니 어른을 보는 마음으로 주변 사람을 대하시기 바랍니다모두가 좋은 인연이니 겸손을 아끼지 않으면 평범한 사람도 자신에게는 귀인이 될 것입니다땅과 하늘의 기운을 받아 잉태하니 새 식구가 들거나 자손에 대한 소식이 있습니다가정이 화평한 것도 또한 경사 중에 경사입니다손님이 많이 드는 시기이니 할 일도 많고 준비해야 할 일도 많습니다분주함이 곧 재물이 될 것이니 시간을 낭비하지 마시기 바랍니다.
* 재물운
한 번은 크게 모험을 하게 되는 시기입니다중요한 결정을 내리게 되는군요다행히 길성이 비추어 월덕과 천을을 수반하였으니 좋은 결과가 기대 됩니다횡재성 재물 보다는 일이 크게 번성하여 얻게 되는 재물이 많을 것입니다본업으로 얻는 수익보다 가외로 들어오는 수익이 더 크니 주객이 전도되었어도 재물이 쌓여 즐거움이 크겠군요의인이 들어 손실을 막아주고 생활이 바뀌어 절약이 많아 집니다그래도 나가는 재물은 많아지니 들어오는 것이 커서 남는 것이 많을 것입니다.
* 직장사업운
관록이 커지는 시기이니 직장에서는 승진 수가 있고 사업적으로는 기초가 튼튼해 질 것입니다영업쪽에서는 큰 성과가 있어 계약을 많이 하게 될 것이며 장사를 하시는 분은 대인이 많이 들어 인심을 크게 얻을 것입니다버리고 얻을 것이 있으니 가만히 앉아 있으면 될 것이 없음을 명심하시기 바랍니다활동 폭을 많이 넓혀야 하니 관리 보다는 외부로 움직이는 일을 하시는 것이 좋습니다경쟁이 붙어도 나의 기운이 강하니 자신을 가지고 임하셔도 좋습니다매사가 그르침이 없을 것이니 가는 곳마다 좋은 인연이 있어 어려움을 풀어 줄 것입니다
* 가정/건강운
가정의 화목이 길성의 시작인데 올해는 위아래가 화합하여 뜻을 한데로 모아 길성의 기운이 처음 부처 좋은 시기입니다가족 중에 근심 있는 사람이 없으니 모두가 자기의 역할을 제대로 이루기 때문입니다화합하여 나아가면 문제가 없으니 혹여 근심이 생기면 반드시 가족과 함께 의논하시기 바랍니다아래 사람에게도 배울 것이 있으니 올해는 아랫사람이 경사를 전할 것입니다건강은 위 아래 모두 조금씩은 걱정을 해야 합니다큰 병이 아니라 잔병치레가 있으니 환절기나 유행성 질환에 조심하시기 바랍니다
* 대인관계운
호인을 만나 큰 도움을 구할 것입니다먼저 도움을 청하지 않아도 알아서 사람이 드니 나의 능력과 여력을 사람들이 알아주기 시작합니다매사가 기쁨이 넘치는 관계이니 도움을 받으면 후 일에 도움을 주게 될 것이고 도움을 주면 크게 되어 돌아 올 것입니다애정이 각별하여 좋은 인연이 들것이니 마음에 사랑이 싹 틀 것입니다보기만 해도 좋은 인연이니 문제가 없다면 배필이 될 것이니 그렇지 않을 경우 일에 지장이 가지 않도록 조금은 경계를 해야 겠습니다
Posted by
5:17 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I went to Atlanta and Great Smoky Mts National Park last weekend. After coming back home, I found Gu-wol got sick from the stress in the boarding as he shed a lot and eliminated watery poop. After he recovered from the sickness, my husband got cold. Runny nose, body aches.
Now Gu-wol and my husband came back to the normal life, playing with balls and chasing each other. But I AM SICK! On a Christmas eve, I was lying down on bed for hours, blowing my nose, and coughing. To make me feel worse, it is raining and cloudy. What a gloomy chirstmas.
Posted by
5:10 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
After the ed tech course that I took this fall semester, EME 5405, finished, I decided to keep blogging my learning and living in the new country. My intention at first was to keep me updated with new technology by blogging the articles, web-sources, or whatever that relates to technology. But after the course, my decision became kind of lost. I know it always happens unless somebody grades me. To boost my first resolution, I searched blogs to find one relating to educational technology, and I found one educator's blog in the UK- http://teaching.mrbelshaw.co.uk/
As I looked into popular blogs, I realized that they use http://www.flickr.com/ for their photos, and so does he, belshaw. So I registered in and logged in to try. I do not know yet what advantages it have compared to other photo websites. I may figure out later.
Ever since I knew the blog world in English, my personal habit in the Web has changed. I used to use Cyworld.co.kr to share my photos with my friends and family in Korea, use a blog service of naver.com, which is one of the big portal sites in Korea, and upload some photos in freechal.com community only for my father-in-law. My photos are messed up, here and there. Now I blog here, and upload my photos still in Cyworld.com or naver.com. Is it time to consolidate into one place? settle down in one place for writing and sharing? Hmmm... Don't know yet which site is perfect for me.
While local portal sites in Korea such as naver.com, daum.net, which are providing all the web services, news, blogging, photo albums or sharing, and so on, just like yahoo.com, are strong in Korea, specialized service providers, such as blogger.com for blogging, flickr.com for photo sharing, and so on, are strong or the up-to-dated trend among English users in the Internet. Is it right?
Anyway, now my web surfing is not limited to the Korean sites, but also to the English sites. Information and knowledge became more enormous than before. I am glad about that, and at the same time, feel overwhelmed.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The book, "Marley and Me" that I ordered online last week, finally arrived today by mail. I began reading it as soon as opening the mail package and cannot stop reading.
Those who never had a beloved pet as a forever companion would never know how much joy they bring to the families.
The following is the excerpt of "2006 Florida Pet Pages" that I deeply feel ditto.
What Dogs Do For Us
- Catch Frisbees. (My puppy catches balls or toys, instead.)
- Keep a night when your home alone from being truly lonely.
- Listen to our singing.
- Treat us like celebrities when we come home. (Totally!!)
- Warm up our beds on cold nights.
- Make our hearts move vigorous.
- Alert us to the arrival of the mail. (My puppy lets me know someone bangs on the door, but hides behind me. LOL.)
- Help us live a little longer.
- Make us smile. (All the time. That's why I luv ya, Guwol.)
- Agree with everything we say.
- Warm our knees with their chins.
- Provide a use for old tennis balls.
- Signal when a thunderstorm is coming. (Do they? I didn't know!)
- Help lower our blood pressure.
- Test how fast we can run.
- Keep the squirrels from overtaking our yards.
- Teach us the meaning of unconditional love.
Posted by
11:58 PM
Labels: Guwol
Monday, December 11, 2006
미국오니깐 사람들이 자꾸 "한국"에 대해 물어본다.
한국의 교육은 어떠니? 미국은 어쩌고 저쩌고 어쩌고 저쩌고 한데, 한국은 어떠니? 한국의 음악은 어떠니? 한국도 크리스마스 지내니? 한국도 기독교를 믿니? 기타등등 기타등등...
교수 파티에 초대되었을때, 음식을 준비해오지 못하면 식사 중에 같이 들을수 있는 그나라 음악을 가져오면 좋겠다하였다. 그래서, 음식을 하기 싫어하는 나는 열심히 음악을 찾아야했다. 다행히 이전에 숙명 가야금 연주단의 음악을 들은적이 있어, 음악 파일을 급히 찾아 씨디를 구웠는데...
그 와중에 여러 퓨전 국악을 접할 수 있었다.
이렇게 난 미국에 와서야 한국의 것을 찾기 시작하고, 한국의 것을 좋아하게 됐다. 국악이라면 지루하기 짝이 없는 음악으로만 생각되어 왔는데, 국악 퓨전의 선율은 너무 아름답다...
(한글로 쓰니 이렇게 빨리 쓸수가... 역시 난 한국어가 좋아...)
Posted by
1:07 AM
Labels: Culture shock
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I was invited to my professor's house party today. International students from different countries - Taiwan, Turkey, Pakistan, and Korea brought foods so I could try new dishes. One special event was 'henna painting' by the daughter of the Pakistan students, which was so beautifully hand painted on the hands.
One of the Americans, who is half-Japanese and half-Caucasian, was hilarious. She knew about Korea a lot, liked to watch Korean dramas- she knew "내 이름은 김삼순", "대장금", "겨울연가" and so on. Furthermore, she knew "the fantastic couple" will be playing soon. - and shared her experience her visit to Korea. One bizarre experience in Korea, she said, was that a taxi driver picked up another passenger on the way going to the hotel. A stranger was sitting next to her. She firstly thought that he was picking up his friend or somebody he knew. I laughed a lot. Haha. ;-D
I also hated whenever a taxi driver picked up another passenger on my way. She must have shocked. LOL
American parties and Korean parties are different in some ways. At first, we have a party at home only at special occasions, such as after you move in a new house, and after you get married. Secondly, we do not ask guests to bring foods. The host usually prepare all the dishes by herself and the guests usually buy some gifts. Since I do not enjoy cooking, when I am invited to a potluck party, I feel pressured.
When I learned a potluck party in this country, I thought that it is a good idea when we throw this type of party on the 제삿날 (on the traditional holidays.) because the first son's wife has all the responsibility to prepare foods for more than ten family members, sometimes twenty, including the extended, which really makes her so hard, exhausted, and sick.
We call it "the holiday disease" that women usually suffer from before, during, or after having the big party on the holidays. It is from the old tradition way back more than hundred years ago. I don't think it is fair that only women are working so hard, especially the first son's wife in a family, for providing foods to her husband's families. Culture is not static, but fluid. If it is unfair to the minority (which is women in this case), we should change.
I would offer this idea to my brother when he gets married, so his wife should prepare foods for us on the holidays. I do not want her to feel miserable whenever the happy holidays are coming.
Posted by
10:56 PM
Labels: Culture shock, Potluck party
Friday, December 08, 2006
Who said that Florida is warm all year around? It is 40' F. The lowest temperature today was 27' F (= around -2' celcius.) It is cold to death. :-(
Posted by
7:07 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Oh, my god. I am almost crying.
I cannot believe my eyes. How could the Chinese government massively kill innocent pets? It hurts me so badly. The length of the dogs in the Four Urban Zones in China should not exceed 38cm. Otherwise, they are cruelly beaten to death by the government law whatever they are owned by people or stray. Visit here for the detailed information and sign up the petition to ask the Chinese government to adopt rabies prevention.
Posted by
2:49 PM
On the last day of the "literacy, family and culture" course, we watched a touching movie at http://www.teachermovie.com/ .
Some of the students were crying while and after watching it. I almost cried, but held back.
Did I have such a inspiring teacher in my life? I don't know.
"On the very day, she [the teacher] quit teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children." - From "The Teacher Movie"
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2:30 PM
Labels: education, LiteracyFamilyandCulture